Dental Associates Orland Park Patient Testimonials

See what Dental Associates Orland Park patients say about their care

For over 25 years, Dr. Pape has provided comprehensive dental care in Orland Park.  At our clinic, our team works tirelessly to create individualized treatment plans that meet our patients’ needs and exceed their expectations.

But don’t take our word for it…hear from our patients themselves!

Dental Implant Patient Testimonial

Heather Barry

Heather never wanted to smile. She would cover her mouth when she laughed, and suffered through a lot of dental pain with her original teeth. After her experience with dental implants with Dr. Pape, she is now proud of her smile and no longer covers her mouth. She is more confident, and readily engages in conversations with strangers to show off her beautiful new smile. 


"I knew that no matter what we went through in the process, I had a good support team, and I had the best surgeon and dentist working with me".

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