Single-Tooth Dental Implants

Benefits of Replacing a Missing Tooth

If you’re missing a tooth, you know the struggles of eating, talking, or even smiling. Even if you have a bridge to help with aesthetics, the maintenance on that appliance can be annoying and very costly over time. Plus, a bridge will never function like a natural tooth. However, there is a permanent option to replacing a missing tooth: a dental implant. 

If you’re missing a tooth, the best permanent replacement option is a dental implant in conjunction with a ceramic crown. This solution both looks and functions just like a natural tooth. You’ll be able to eat what you want without having to worry about the hassle of maintaining or replacing a bridge, since a dental implant functions like your original tooth.

With a single-tooth dental implant, all components are installed as a single unit, resulting in an immediately full-functioning tooth, shorter treatment time, and minimized pain. Benefits of single-tooth dental implants include immediately teeth, excellent esthetic result, and a life-long, stable solution.

Single-tooth dental implants replace missing teeth to give you your smile and confidence back

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